Friday, February 21, 2014

Does working with an Agency or Broker cost more?

Why should I work with you instead of the insurance company directly?
We do not charge any fees for our services and we will impartially shop the market for you to make sure we match you up with the top-rated insurance company that will charge you the least. Whether you buy the insurance from us, or directly though the companies we respresent, the price is the same. By working with our agency you will be paired with a professional agent with multiple years of experience. Our insurance professionals will serve as the liasion between you and the insurance company by working with them directly. This means a personalized agent that you know and trust allowing you to avoid long hold times and dealing with a call center. 

What is a beneficiary and how do I select mine?

A "beneficiary" is the person, business, or organization that you want to leave money behind for. A beneficiary can be your wife, children, parent, fiance, or a business, church, etc. When you select a beneficiary you should ask yourself, "If something happens to me, where do I want this money to go." For most people the answer is their spouse. A beneficiary should be the person or organization that will be financially affected if you are no longer in the picture.

What if I want this money to go to my children and they are really young? There are 3 options for this. Option number 1 is to select a relative or person who would agree to take care of your children and name them as the beneficiary. Option number 2 is to name the children directly. In this case if something happens to you, the court will appoint the closest relative to the children and the court will allocate the money to this relative for your children as needed. Option 3 is to set up a trust or will.

Still have questions? We have answers....

I have diabetes, what company is the best for me?

Every insurance company has it own guidelines for underwriting person with diabetes. The best way to slect the company for you is to obtain your A1C number also known as hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c, or glycohemoglobin test. Your A1C number reflects how well your diabetes is managed. Having an A1C under 7.0 will allow some companies to issue credits to reduce your price. If your A1C is over 7.0 we have the best option for you as well.

Still have questions?

I smoke cigars, can I get a non smoking rate?

Yes. Some companies we work with will completely overlook an occassional cigar. Do you smoke cigars daily? That's okay too. Some companies look at a cigar smoker completely differently than a cigarette smoker and underwrite the risk much more leniently. This is also the case for chewing tobacco and in some cases even electronic cigarettes. Are you paying a smoker's rates and not smoking cigarettes? Give us a call...

I've never heard of this Insurance company are they a good company?

In life insurance, some companies advertise a lot more than others, but this doesn't mean they are a larger or better company. The companies most people know best are the companies that usually specialize in auto insurance, not life insurance. 

Life Insurance is a heavily regulated industry. Each state has their own insurance commissioner and this person's job is to make sure that every life insurance company that is licensed to sell insurance within the state has the financial backing to pay out the claims on every policy sold.  

We rely on AM Best to select the companies we work with. AM Best is the largest and most trusted consumer information center for the insurance industry. AM Best assigns a letter grade for each insurance company based on financial standings. We only represent insurance companies that are in "A Excellent" financial standing or better.

Have a question?

About Me...

I am a Nationally Licensed Life Insurance Broker. I have successfully helped over 1200 people select and purchase the best insurance policy for their needs. I am well-versed and trained in insurance underwriting and I have sold and sell life insurance for companies including but not limited to; Fidelity, Transamerica, Prudential, Globe, William Penn/Banner, ING/Reliastar, GenWorth/First Colony Life, AIG, United Of Omaha, Protective/West Coast Life, SBLI, etc.

Having a Life Insurance Broker that have been trained in underwriting gives the client the advantage. Why? Because each insurance company has a niche. Some companies are the best for smokers, diabetics, high blood pressure, family history and so on. Having an extensive understanding of underwriting principles allows me to help you select the company that will insure you for the lowest price based on your unique profile.

Why Buy Term Insurance?

People always ask me, Cliff, why should I buy Term insurance over Whole or Universal Life Insurance? In short, cost. Term Life Insurance is the least expensive way to insure your family.

As a life insurance broker, we would love to sell you an expensive Universal or Whole Life policy, but the truth is, this is not the best fit for most people. Most of my client's tell me they are usually planning around life events. "I only need this insurance until my house is paid off....Until I am ready to retire....I want to make sure my children have money for college." This is exactly what term insurance was designed to do. Term Insurance should be viewed as a vehicle to get you from point A to point B.

What do I need to know before I buy Term Life Insurance? The "Term" and "Face Amount".

What is a "Term" and how do I decide what term I need? The term is the period of time your life insurance is guaranteed to stay the same price. An example, Bob is 44 and is 10 years into his 30 year mortgage. Bob wants to make sure if something happens to him, his wife and children can keep the house and pay off the mortgage. In this case Bob should buy a 20 year term to protect his family. This way if something happens to Bob before his house is paid off the life insurance policy will be in place to provide Bob's family the money to pay off the mortgage.

What is the "Face Amount"? The face amount is the amount of money that will be paid out to your family of beneficiary if you pass away. How do I select a face amount? In Bob's case, Bob should select a face amount that is equal to his mortgage. If Bob owes $250,000 or his mortgage Bob should select a "Face Amount" for $250,000.

What if I need more than the mortgage paid off? There is a simple formula for this as well. An easy needs analysis will help us determine the right amount for you.